Hi everyone, welcome back to the blog! Each year as the industry grows, the demand from engaged couples does as well. Here are my top tips for ensuring you book your dream vendors in time!

Do The Research First
The second you get engaged (or before if you want) – map out your dream vendors to get a feel for how far out they are booking. Each vendor is different. It is based on location, demand, personal reasons, and experience. Keep in mind that each vendor also only takes a limited amount of bookings.

Websites are Better than DMs
Always inquire using the form on the vendor’s website – dm’s are hard to keep track of and often times we don’t get a notification (sometimes these get hidden!) and some vendors will completely disregard them.

Complete All Questions on Inquiry Forms
Make sure that you fill out the entire form when inquiring with a vendor. Vendors WANT to know more about your relationship and dream wedding day. Vendors don’t want to have to go back and forth a million times to get these details nor do they have the time (and neither do brides during wedding planning) – that is why we ask these questions on the form!

Understand Booking Policies
Make sure you know all booking policies (usually these can be found on the policies, rates, or contact page of a vendor’s website) before reaching out to a vendor. Ensure you can meet the minimum and never expect a vendor to lower their daily minimum.

Never Ask a Vendor for a Discount
Piggy backing on the above – never ask a vendor to offer a discount – you wouldn’t ask Walmart or Target, and these are individuals using their physical bodies to create something magical for your wedding day. Unless a vendor states offerings on their website, this will likely leave a bad taste in their mouth and they might refer you to another vendor.

Know Your Wedding Day Details
Ensure you have all of the details for your wedding day such as a general getting ready location, headcount estimate, and overall vision.

Be Responsive
In the wedding industry now a days, dates go very quickly. Vendors do not reserve dates without the retainer and a contract signed nor do they go out of their way to tell you every time a client reaches out for the same date. There are LIMITED weekend dates every year and surprisingly in major destinations (like myself in San Diego) weekdays get booked as well. Know that each vendor is equally as limited as they have personal lives to squeeze into those weekend dates too.
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